Many readers will be aware of the plans to build new homes on the green land of Radyr Court Road by Nabatean Ltd.
The aptly-named Simon Field of the Save Radyr Court Road group has written to say that the Planning Inspector appointed to make the final decision will visit the site at 2pm on Thursday 12th June 2014. He invites residents who oppose the plans to meet him at 2pm on the same day at the bottom of Spooky Lane at the end of Radyr Court Road.
Simon says that “counsel for the owners of the land emphasised that the path that runs from the end of Radyr Court Road (by the gates across ‘Spooky Lane’) across the land towards Radyr Woods is not a right of way, and as it is entirely privately owned, it can be closed at any time (but) we believe that continuous open access for the length of that path has existed for a very long time – certainly more than 20 years.”
If you want to go along to the appeal inspector’s site visit, go to the bottom of Spooky Lane at the end of Radyr Court Road at 2pm on Thursday 12th June 2014.
Cross-posted on RadyrPost.