Llandaf Raft Race pics

Here’s just one story of many from the George Thomas Hospice fundraising Charity Raft Race at Llandaf Rowing Club today (Sunday 7 June). It’s a photo story of the Pencae Dad Rafters team of spacemen, using photos from @Pencae_rafters on Twitter. They may not have won the race but they captured the spirit of adventure needed for this fun yet challenging event. Da iawn tadau Ysgol Pencae! Donate.

The raft is all built and ready to launch, complete with space shuttle mascot. Credit: @pencae_rafters
The raft is all built and ready to launch, complete with space shuttle mascot. Credit: @pencae_rafters


The interpid astronauts. Credit: @pencae_rafters
The interpid astronauts. Credit: @pencae_rafters


Positions everyone. Credit: @pencae_rafters
Positions everyone. Credit: @pencae_rafters
Oh, oh! Ah well, it's all for a good cause and you can donate via https://www.justgiving.com/PencaeDadRafters Credit: @pencae_rafters
Oh, oh! Ah well, it’s all for a good cause and you can donate via https://www.justgiving.com/PencaeDadRafters Credit: @pencae_rafters

Author: melyn

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